Community Experience Survey

Your Opinion Matters

Community Experience Survey

Lacasa is a nonprofit organization that works with individuals and community partners to create opportunity for personal empowerment, family stability, and neighborhood vitality.  We are conducting a Community Experience Survey in specific Elkhart neighborhoods to understand how those neighborhoods are changing. Some changes are easy to see, like the condition of houses and parks. Other changes can be measured with data, like home prices and voter turnout. But many changes are about how people feel living there. This includes how safe they feel, how hopeful they are about the neighborhood’s future, how connected they feel to their neighbors, and how much control they think they have over what happens in the area.

To understand these feelings, the Survey is being done to find out what the community is thinking and feeling. We invite everyone in the area indicated on the map to take part in the survey and share their experiences and opinions.  Our goal is to document the current state of the neighborhood. This information will help us understand what changes are needed. Then, we will conduct the survey again in 3-5 years to see how things have changed over time. This will help us track the impact on quality of life, social connections, and physical conditions in our area.

Individuals will have multiple options to respond and ALL ARE CONFIDENTIAL; in person when a Lacasa Surveyor knocks on your door, complete online at the link on this page, or fill out a paper survey.  Neighbors from all parts of the survey area must be heard – owners and renters, English and Spanish speakers, all ages, all incomes.



The first 250 who complete the survey will be entered to win a gift card valued up to $250.

You must live in the designated neighborhoods indicated on the map to be eligible.  


The survey will be conducted through 8/11/2024.  We hope to collect as many responses online as possible.  In-person surveyors will be present going door-to-door in late July and early August.