Does Lacasa only serve Hispanic Clients?
No, Lacasa’s programs are open to all people regardless of race, nationality, or ethnic origin.
Do only low income people get help?
No. Lacasa helps clients from all backgrounds and income levels. Certain programs require income verification, but Lacasa helps people of all ages, races, and income levels.
How can I find out about renting a house or apartment from Lacasa?
To find out if you qualify for an affordable rental home or apartment, call our office at 574-533-4450.
What are the income levels to qualify for grant assistance or to rent from Lacasa?
Income qualifications vary with each program Lacasa offers. Please call our office for more information. 574.533.4450
I’m homeless. Can you house me?
No, Lacasa does not offer emergency services. Our programs are geared toward long-term solutions for housing and finances.