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Want to be a part of changing lives?

Support for Lacasa echoes the spirit of giving, creating opportunities for families, fostering community resilience, and bringing hope to those in need.


 Need help saving for your dreams?

Lacasa’s Dream$avers program can match $1500 of your savings with $4500 of matched funds for a total of $6000 to help make your dreams a reality.  Applications for this program will reopen in January 2024.  


Improve the safety and energy-efficiency of your home.

Help-A-House assists low-income homeowners with major housing renovations. Applications are now open.

Financial Education

Need help to find financial stability?

With the Master It Series by Lacasa, Inc., confidently manage your finances and reach your financial goals.

Disaster Recovery

Have you been affected by the recent severe weather in Elkhart?

Our HUD Certified Counselors are here to help you walk through the recovery process.

Support Lacasa

Help us build strong foundations for everyone.

Houses for Rent

Let us help you find a safe, stable, and affordable place to live.


We teach classes that help you manage your finances or buy your own home.


We revitalize houses to make our community a better place to live.

Dream$avers IDA

Dare to dream big with a matched saving account.

Lacasa is a nonprofit housing agency, with programs to help clients achieve financial stability. From becoming a homeowner to improving credit scores; from finding an affordable rental to receiving home repair assistance. Lacasa believes that everyone deserves a strong foundation!


Lacasa works with individuals and community partners to create opportunity for personal empowerment, family stability, and neighborhood vitality.


Work Together. Respect Human Dignity. Pursue Excellence. Build To Last.