Marissa Lehman wanted to buy a house. She qualified for our IDA program and told us about her experience.
“My IDA counselor, Joel Zwier, was extremely helpful. I got quick responses to all my questions. I’ve had no issues along the way. The online courses for money management and home buying were in-depth and very visual.
“It would have taken me longer to become a homeowner without Lacasa. Maybe 6-12 months longer,” Marissa continued. “The speed of the process moved really quickly. It was hard to wrap my mind around becoming a homeowner so fast. “
Marissa wants anyone interested in IDAs to know this: “There is no catch to the IDA program. There IS NONE!! No lien on the property; no limitations.”
If you would like to learn more about this, or any of Lacasa’s programs, call 574-533-4450 Monday through Friday, between 8:30 and 5:00. We may be able to help you achieve a goal.